CaravanHQ is conveniently located half way between Brisbane and the Gold Coast and has a fully equipped workshop and qualified technicians on hand. If you are looking for a professional Caravan Service Gold Coast, then Caravan HQ has you covered.
A Caravan Service Gold Coast at CaravanHQ is more than just a quick once over of your caravan and then sending you on your way, we will take the time to inspect, notify you of and then carry out the work needed to maintain the safety of your caravan.
As a part of our Caravan Service Gold Coast, we inspect your van from front to back, top to bottom, inside and out. We will check the expiry date of your fire extinguisher, make sure your fridge is sealing and even make sure you have no nasty water leaks.
Our Caravan Service Gold Coast includes the smallest of things that most people over look. We start by inspecting your safety chains and hitch. We test for water leaks and take the time to clean your solar panels and test the charge rate so as you are not left in the cold with no power when you are next free camping.
When you come to CaravanHQ for a Caravan Service on the Gold Coast, we want to make sure you leave 100 percent satisfied and will ensure that you are made aware of any repairs that need attention and give you a firm price when discussing any caravan service work that may be required on your caravan so you don’t have any nasty surprises.
Even if you are not in need of a caravan service, we can help with fitting tool boxes, jerry can holders or maybe you want to upgrade your 50mm ball to an off road DO 35 hitch.